Jewel Stories

Love Tokens

Love Tokens


The seven sisters star cluster is named after the seven daughters of Atlas. According to one legend, Orion was so persistent in their pursuit that they were turned into stars...


The seven sisters star cluster is named after the seven daughters of Atlas. According to one legend, Orion was so persistent in their pursuit that they were turned into stars...


Latin for dolphin, one version of the story of how this beautiful sea creature earned a place amount the stars is because of the role a dolphin had in carrying...


Latin for dolphin, one version of the story of how this beautiful sea creature earned a place amount the stars is because of the role a dolphin had in carrying...


Greek mythology tells the tales of Hydra, the giant serpent-like monster with eight mortal heads and one immortal head in the center. The hero Hercules cut off the heads, then...


Greek mythology tells the tales of Hydra, the giant serpent-like monster with eight mortal heads and one immortal head in the center. The hero Hercules cut off the heads, then...